Are you willing to begin experiencing the everyday as miraculous?

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." ~Albert Einstein

For most of my life I only considered huge or seemingly unattainable things (ex. winning the lottery) to be miracles, but now I've learned to think differently and it's made a HUGE difference in my level of happiness and success.

💞The colors our eyes see (a sunrise! the grass! evergreen trees!)
💞The sounds our ears hear (the nuances of my favorite song, running water)
💞The tastes our palates experience (I mean...dark chocolate with sea salt!)
💞The textures our fingers feel (a fleecy bathrobe, my favorite lotion)
💞The smells our noses breathe in (my magical essential oils, sauteéd garlic, white wine + lemon)

Are you willing to begin experiencing the everyday as miraculous? What about during the holiday season - is it easier or harder for you?

What's 1 miracle you can witness right now?


What exactly IS a life with passion, anyway?


Feeling desperate for clients and money?