Marketing To Get More Clients - Life With Passion

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To making impossible things happen!

๐Ÿ’•"Nothing is impossible; the word itself says, I'm possible." -Audrey Hepburn๐Ÿ’•

And you may have heard this quote before, but I've got a different twist for ya :)

As I was thinking about it, I realized that we're taught that things are impossible except in fairy tales, and that life isn't a fairy tale.

Growing up, I was a total idealist, so, naturally, I loved fairy tales. I was also a huge musical theater nerd, president of the Thespian Society...and always in the chorus because I didn't have the voice to be a lead. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Anywho, my junior year of high school, we did Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella, and the lyrics from the song "Impossible" follow:

For a plain yellow pumpkin
To become a golden carriage!

For a plain country bumpkin
And a prince to join in marriage

And four white mice
Will never be four white horses
Such fol-de-rol and fiddledy dee dee
Of course is

๐Ÿ™Œ But the world is full of zanies and fools
Who donโ€™t believe in sensible rules
And wonโ€™t believe what sensible people say

And because these daft and dewy-eyed dopes
Keep building up impossible hopes
Impossible things are happening every day!"

๐Ÿ˜ I especially love the way the song ends:

You could change it all. You could make it all happen!

[Fairy Godmother]
No, but YOU could change it. YOU could make it all happen!

So here's to YOU. The ones looking to finish 2018 STRONG! Here's to us, the ones the world might call "daft and dewy-eyed dopes," who are going out and making impossible things happen every day!!!!!

Do you believe it? Are you as pumped as I am?