Do you know the answer to this key question in your business?

"The core question people ask when they pay money is: "What problem can you solve that nobody else can solve?" -Perry Marshall

Do you know the answer to this key question in your business?

For me, it's that I've helped more people quit and stay out of 9-5s than anyone else I know. Hands down.

When I was starting my business and working with my first few clients, before that was true though, I knew that taking a STAND for women who wanted to quit and find what they loved OR make a struggling business work so they could stay out was my jam. Period.

So what problem can YOU solve that no one else can solve? Do you know?

If you don't know, don't beat yourself up over it--just spend a few minutes reflecting (I always find journaling really helpful for this) and then come back here with any questions or insights!

That reflection time is going to pay dividends in clarity or an awareness of where to focus your attention to get that clarity so that you, too, can answer this question with ease!


Ready to learn the KEY strategic step you can take right now to ensure your passion-based business’ success? Get it for free in Chapter 1 of my #1 bestselling book, The Income Replacement Formula: Seven Simple Steps To Doing What You Love And Making Six Figures From Anywhere! Download it now.


How far away are you from your dream?


Be kind, for everyone you know is fighting a hard battle