Live your CALLING

Get more visible.
Get more clients.

Welcome to Life With Passion, a business dedicated to YOU, the passionate, heart-centered, entrepreneur.

christine amerman headshot on red background
christine amerman in black lace shirt on beige background


I’m Christine Amerman (formerly McAlister).

I’m a marketing, media, and messaging expert who helps passionate, heart-centered entrepreneurs to get seen, get known, and get clients!

I’m on a mission to help you create a full-time income from your online business and bring your meaningful, healing work to more of the world.

I believe that every entrepreneur deserves their own unique plan, to market their business in a way that is aligned with their authentic design and soul values.

As a media, marketing, and messaging expert for over 2 decades, broadcaster for the Olympic Games for the IOC 3x , producer of an award-winning documentary for PBS, and featured in Inc., Business Insider, Bustle, The Huffington Post and on over 100 podcasts, my goal is to help you GET MORE VISIBLE and GET MORE CLIENTS!

You know you’re meant to reach more people with your work, but you're tired of living on social media.

I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to…

  • Feel like not enough people know, like, and trust you
  • Feel tired of relying on social media algorithms or worse, ads
  • Crave a simple strategy to reach your ideal audience in a more effective way

I have good news

Everything can change when you go from best-kept-secret to go-to expert in your niche

You CAN grow your business in a way that feels aligned to you.

My clients grow their audience and attract dream clients, without living their life on social media or sliding into peoples’ DMs.

christine amerman holding her book the income replacement formula at West Baden

“When somebody has so much confidence in you, you have no excuse for not believing in yourself and I will forever be grateful to Christine for that.

My confidence and my reach have grown exponentially. I cannot thank Christine enough.”

Joanne Muturi

Life Makeover Coach

“During my time with Christine, I booked my first high-end clients, two high-profile speaking gigs, and a press interview.

I’ve gained exponential momentum in my business and it’s now easy to attract clients for my wellness coaching program.

Kalila Bodden

Business and Lifestyle Coach

“Thanks to Christine, I don’t get distracted like a lot of my peers in my niche.

Other bloggers have actually approached me to ask how I can be so calm when big changes happen in the industry, or when I think about the competition. I pass the credit to Christine!”

Alli Kelley

Food Blogger

If you’re looking for concrete steps to get in front of the people who need your work the most

I created my signature group coaching program, the Visibility Vortex, to help passionate, heart-centered coaches, entrepreneurs, and experts go from best-kept secret to go-to-expert, without fancy funnels or living your life on social media.

Click on the button below to learn more.