139: The Most Strategic Place To Get Visible In Your Business

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Simplify your online marketing and attract more clients to your business, with more ease and in less time! 

In this episode, Christine emphasizes the critical decision of choosing a primary platform for online visibility. She discusses the significance of selecting the right platform for your online visibility, focusing on one's personality, purpose, and passions.

Christine explains how "Having a plan that allows you to show up consistently in your business is how you attract sustainable clients." 

Key Takeaways From The Episode:

  • Choose one primary platform: Focus on one platform rather than spreading yourself thin across multiple, allowing you to maximize impact and effectiveness.

  • Avoid overwhelm and burnout: Concentrating efforts on a single platform prevents burnout and ensures a clear, focused message.

  • Consistency is key: Committing to a primary platform for 90 days provides the opportunity to experience the benefits of consistency and attract sustainable clients.

  • Align with your unique gifts and preferences: Select a platform that resonates with your personality, purpose, and passions to showcase authenticity and energize your content.

  • Attract your ideal clients: Using language and messaging that resonates with your ideal clients helps connect with the audience you're most excited to serve.

Have a question or topic you’d like to see covered on the podcast? Go to www.lifewithpassion.com/podcast and maybe I’ll create a custom episode just for you!

If you have any feedback or questions for me, I’d love to hear from you! Email me at christine@lifewithpassion.com 


140: I made a huge mistake


138: How To Niche Down When You Hate Niching